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collyrob 2:19 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates

Why do you continuously try to claim that Spurs aren't that bothered with us, they fucking hate us but some they hate to admit it.

A Spurs fan I know posted after we beat them " can't believe we fucked up our title chances at West Ham, anyone but them scummy cunts"

They hate us whether you think so or not

chevy chase 2:22 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
It's Always been Millwall

jfk 2:23 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Grew up Dagenham /Romford all my MATES are West Ham.

jfk 2:37 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
There's 15 of us meeting tomorrow for most our final time.we intend to make the most of it.
It beggars belief that it means little to some on here.

chim chim cha boo 2:42 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
One of my spurs MATES said he always looks forward to playing us at WHL because it's the nastiest atmosphere of the season and as loud as it ever gets over there.

Anyone who thinks a genuine regular at WHL doesn't really care about beating West Ham is deluded. Old men and internet supporters not from London might have forgotten or even heard of our tear-ups through the years but to suggest we're not on their radar is laughable.

Private Dancer 6:03 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
What a retarded OP...at least make it fucking interesting if you're gonna talk about Spurs mates...piss poor.

brundal 9:34 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
They hate us , they know it , we know it. They couldn't match us off the pitch and that's what really gets to them, the so called superfirm getting run ragged by a little club from East London still hurts them. Our younger lot seem to think they are our main rivals but to us oldies it will always be Millwall.

Sven Roeder 9:37 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
I dont have any real MATES who are Spurs fans but have come across a few in various workplaces.
My recollection is that amongst people I have known who have been genuine fans that when we were relegated fans of other teams were all sympathetic as they thought West Ham should be in the Premier League & enjoyed the rivalries. Except for Spurs fans who revelled in our demise. This was across the board and it was ALWAYS just them.
One was talking about their FAILURE this season & wasn't pleased when I reminded him it was down to their only League defeat in the last few months .... by their 'feeder club'.

OHL 9:47 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates

This tickled me

Far Cough 10:02 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Unfortunately, most of my mates are Spurs, having lived in Hoddesdon Herts, a few Gooners as well, by and large the Spurs fans are OK with a smattering of bellendery amongst them

ironsofcanada 10:11 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Real mix out here (Liverpool, Man U, fair number of Villa, Burnley, QPR, Southampton, Sunderland) but grateful no Spurs. I am sure there are I just must have a naturally good choice in mates.

Far Cough 10:13 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
So what you are saying is because I lived in area that was Spurs territory, and my mates were by and large Spurs, I made bad choices?

Far Cough 10:15 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Oh and for what it's worth, I very much doubt you have any mates unless they are bookish and as boring as you are

Tomshardware 10:16 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
I have hardly any mates.

Grumpster 10:22 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
No doubt it depends on the person, but I know a couple of Spurs fans (1 a season ticket holder) and they couldn't care less about Arsenal, but hate us with a passion.

Also work with one who's a stereotypical yid fan and he despises West Ham more than any other team.

Always considered myself lucky that 99% of my long term mate are West Ham with just 1 Liverpool and 1 goner. Hornchurch back in the 70's only bred Hammers thankfully!

ironsofcanada 10:25 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Far Cough 10:13 Fri May 6

Mate, it was a very little joke and not directed at you specifically. Just adding to a thread about Spurs' mate or lack thereof.

I am sure if I lived somewhere different, my friends would be different.

I.want.that.one 10:26 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
How can you take offence to what IOC said then, Cough?

He may be boring but he doesn't get involvex in petty mud slinging (in the main) unless provoked.

Stick a tampon in and chill out.

Far Cough 10:31 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
IWTO, he does these little digs all the time, not to just me either, he doesn't like when he gets it back though


Schoffie 10:34 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Haven't seen or heard from any of mine since Monday night.. Sulking wankers! No doubt they will resurface if we and arsenal lose this weekend.

Poplar Iron 10:42 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
I just love fact they still maintain the PREM title didn't mean much to them when clearly its eating them up inside...

This was their chance to win this and they know it...they f*cked it up at Leicester and West Ham...simple (hate em)!

Ricky Bobby 11:06 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Only Spurs fans I know are all part time supporters... They will only approach me if they beat us. I ignore them.

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